I come to you with only karate.
My hands are empty but I fear no man.
Should I be forced to defend myself,
my honor or my principles,
should it be a matter of right or wrong,
life or death, then here are my weapons,
my empty hands.
Precepts In The Mastery of Karate-do
The mastery of karate-do requires dedication and strenuous effort. To pursue karate means to seek to master one's self. The true study of karate must transcend the mere physical; it must become a way of life. The following precepts should serve as a guide to what karate truly is.
1) He is human and so am I.
2) I cannot develop my own potentialities when in the trap of self-limitation.
3) I must discard this self-limitation. If he practices 3 times, I must practice 6 times.
4)"Do not be dependent upon others for your improvement." Musashi Miyamoto, Japan's greatest swordsman, once said,"pay your respects to the Gods and Buddhas, but never rely on them."
5) Earnestly cultivate your mind as well as your body and believe in yourself.
6) Karate-do may be referred to as the conflict within yourself, or a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training, and your own creative efforts.